Thursday, 17 July 2008


I was looking at stuff online about Baz Luhrmann's upcomming film "Australia". has links to the Apple collaborative site for film education. You can subscribe to their iTunes podcast that has short videos about making movies.

In the "Location" lesson were several shots of a distinctive mesa in the north west of Austraila, near Kununurra, WA. I thought, "I bet I can find that hill on Google Map or Google Earth."

Well, I think I did. Take a look at the pictures below and the Google links and see what you think. As I say in Google Maps:
The hill in the background of the cattle station in the movie "Australia", by Baz Luhrmann, found at The distinctive "prow" on the southern tip of the hill, or mesa (as we call it in the US), is the telling feature.

Google Maps: Australia Film Site

Google Earth: Search this string exactly as show in Google Earth: "australia" filming location

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