Photo 1
Revealed here for the first time are the only known photos of the fossilized pygmy alien's head, found in 2007 in the Bitterroot of western Montana by an amateur archaeologist . The exact location of the site is being withheld to thwart gawkers, looters and government agents.Note the eye sockets, the distorted mouth which reveals flat, almost human-like teeth, and the vestigial nose flattened to the right side of the aliens face. The high forehead and pointed chin give the alien's head a distinctive diamond shape about 127 mm high and 90 mm inches wide.
The depth of the cranium is also about 90 mm and provides for a larger volume than would be expect for such a diminutive skull. Photo 2 reveals cranial ridges, but no ear openings. Perhaps completely different organs were used to perceive sound.
This alien skull was the only fossil found at this location. Efforts to find more are ongoing.
Photo 2