Tuesday, 8 December 2015


I've heard it said that if you were actually able to get inside other people's heads and find out what really goes on there, you become totally disoriented, disgusted or insane. Maybe all three.  And, now we have "social media" to prove it.

Wednesday, 26 August 2015

This is the WATKINS BIOPHOTOELECTRIC POWER CONVERTER MODULE. It utilizes a tree’s Photosynthesis process combine with the metabolic growth mechanism to convert energy into an electrical charge. It then stores the electrical charge in the total liquid sap volume of the tree, creating a free bioelectric storage battery for the lifetime of the tree. It automatically switches from 3 volts to 220 volts a/c or d/c, depending on the power demand of the appliance attached, providing access to energy anywhere in the world, from the tree in your back yard to the deepest, darkest jungles of South America and beyond. Just $4.95 ( Currently out of stock ).

Mr. Watkins is excited about the prospects of a contract with the US Forest Service.

Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Women in Helmets

There is something quite charming about a woman in a helmet. Whether it is an army helmet, racing, aviator's, football or sci-fi space helmet, they all imbue a certain endearing quality to the female wearer. It can be sexy or exotic, playful or serious, but in many mens' minds their dwells a mystique about a woman in a helmet.

Brigitte Bardot in "Babette s'en va-t-en guerre"

Bessie Coleman - American civil aviator

Boris Vallejo art

 Amelia Earhart

Julie Bell art

Wilma Dearing

Vicky Piria

Leeanna Walsman as Zam Wesell

And, let us not forget: Taking the helmet off!

Sunday, 27 October 2013

Lou Reed: Rest in Peace

Lewis Allan "Lou" Reed (March 2, 1942 – October 27, 2013)

Wednesday, 4 September 2013

The Strange World of Package Delivery

Recently I had two online purchases delivered to my house.  The each originated in a different city but both used the common UPS to USPS delivery; that is, UPS contracts the USPS to make final delivery.  Using the online tracking features of each service I was able to watch the progress of my packages as they made their way from origin to destination.  I was surprised, shocked, confused and a little perturbed by what I saw.

I made a map and chart of each package as they traversed back and forth across the country.  They zigged, they zagged, they crisscrossed and doubled back like a wily elk trying to confuse a hunter.  One package came within 18 miles of my house on the first day of its trek, but spent four more days traveling before it was delivered.  The other went from Billings, 290 miles from home, to Memphis, 1500 miles away, and languished there for five days.

Thursday, 9 February 2012

Breaking News! Zazzle is Dizzy!

I love Zazzle (www.zazzle.com/choppedliver). I have sold hundreds of dollars worth of worth of merchandise there. It's fun to experiment with designs and make a little money, too.

Zazzle has an obligation to abide by copyright laws and remove offending content. I understand that. Sometimes I think they are picky, erring on the side of the complainant a little too readily. I've had a few designs removed, some for the image, some for the words I used in the description.

There is the iPhone case with a picture of a blue Public Police Call Box on it (Tardis). My first attempt was titled "tardis iphone 4 speck case". Zazzle jumped all over that and said I was infringing upon "upon British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)'s intellectual property rights of Dr. Who television series." Notice that they used the abbreviation "Dr." instead of the correct "Doctor".

So, I changed the title to Public Police Call Box and described it as "Perfect for the doctor, lawyer or other professional who has indiscriminate taste". This too was rejected, I assume for for having the words "doctor" and "who" in the text. They have not complained since I changed the description to "A Police call box on you mobile, how British". I also have not sold nearly as many as before the changes.

Zazzle's latest challenge came against my poster called THEM! The RNC's Shameful Spectacle, pictured here. It has been for sale for about 2 years. This week it became unacceptable.

Here's an excerpt from the emails they sent:

Unfortunately, it appears that your product, THEM! The RNC's Shameful Spectacle, contains content that is not suitable for printing at Zazzle.com

We have been contacted by representatives of Karl Rove & Co., and at their request, have removed the product from the Zazzle Marketplace.

• Product Title: THEM! The RNC's Shameful Spectacle
• Product Type: Print
• Product ID: 228504526517601362
• Result: Not Approved
• Policy Violations:
o Design contains an image or text that may infringe on intellectual property rights. We have been contacted by the intellectual property right holder and we will be removing your product from Zazzle’s Marketplace due to infringement claims.
• Image: Image

The Image link in their message points to what I assumed was the offending content of the product, probably the picture of Karl Rove that I used in the poster. But, when I clicked the link I had to laughed out loud. Well, maybe Karl does look a little like this:

It's my first crappy attempt a making a logo for myself and it appears in the lower right hand corner of the poster, almost unnoticeable. It's also in the About Me section of this blog.

Wednesday, 8 June 2011


While looking at the Zazzle.com selection of baby clothes I suddenly realized that many of the "humorous" lines on them would have drastically different implications if they were to be worn by an adult. Most of them have to do with input and output, i.e. breast feeding and diaper filling. Some are different; I have no idea what "crotch goblin" means. I'd love to see these in real life. I'd be impressed by anyone who had the guts to wear one. Enjoy.

First, what they are suppose to look like. Cute, right?

Now, for something completely different:

This guys' creepy without the shirt.

Still creepy.

All of the shirts and more can be seen at Zazzle.com. Of course, you'll have to do a little digging and use your imagination.

You can see my store at choppedliver

Monday, 21 March 2011

Hiroko's Journey

Hiroko Nakamura is traveling with a news crew as a fixer and translator in the area most devastated by the M8.9 earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan on March 11.  Here is a map of her route.  You can follow her comments and videos at www.hirokochannel.com and HIROKOCHANNEL on Youtube, Twitter and Facebook. As well as working with the news crew, Hiroko is using her own resources and private donations to bring as much comfort and relief to those affected by this disaster as she can. She is also recording and posting messages so authorities will see what is needed in these areas.

View Hiroko's Journey, HIROKOCHANNEL in a larger map

Thursday, 17 March 2011

Hiroko Nakamura Reports from Morioka, Iwate, Japan

Hiroko Nakamura is a Youtube blogger focusing on Japanese culture and language.  She also works as a freelance translator and "fixer" for various news and information services. You can see her at HIROKOCHANNEL on Youtube, Twitter and Facebook, as well as hirokochannel.com .

Sunday, 13 February 2011

"The Killer Inside Me"

The main menu screen for the DVD of "The Killer Inside Me" has to faint inscriptions behind the video. They are mostly obscured, but you can get a glimpse of them periodically.  One, in lower right quarter of the screen is a line from the movie: "I figure you don't get any more out of life that you put into it", said by the main character.

The second is an inscription from a press photograph taken by Arthur Fellig, pseudonym Weegee, who worked in the Lower East Side of New York City during the 1930s and '40s. He took stark pictures of urban life, crime, injury and death.

The inscription here is from a photo of a dead man lying on the street, eyes open, and simply states "Shot & killed on east side street". It appears in the upper left corner of the main menu and is the identical hand-written inscription that appears on the original Weegee photo.

click photos to enlarge

Tuesday, 5 October 2010

Missoula, The Garden City, Dude!

When Montanan's approved the medical marijuana in their state, they had no idea what was about to happen.  Rampant abuse of the certification process, shady "providers" buying and selling when they're only supposed to grow, and dispensaries being robbed regularly are only some of the problems stemming form this poorly thought out ordinance.

But, when you're in Montana you believe in live and let live, freedom of the individual and all that.  And when you live in Missoula, well, it's just about the wackiest place there is.

We love it that way and that's why we love this t-shirt, using Missoula's official motto "The Garden City" in a new and satirical way.  There's also a "Montana, the Garden State" available (sorry, New Jersey).

Click the pictures see more!

Other great stuff from choppedliver!

Wednesday, 28 October 2009

Diane's Kitschin' Korner!

Here's an item for travelers with no friends and who don't want to make any new ones, especially with foreigners!  Maybe it works, maybe it doesn't!  But, it does look pathetic!  Skippy there must have a really strong left hand!  -Diane

Sunday, 19 October 2008

Pygmy Alien Fossil of the Bitterroot Valley

Photo 1

Revealed here for the first time are the only known photos of the fossilized pygmy alien's head, found in 2007 in the Bitterroot of western Montana by an amateur archaeologist . The exact location of the site is being withheld to thwart gawkers, looters and government agents.

Note the eye sockets, the distorted mouth which reveals flat, almost human-like teeth, and the vestigial nose flattened to the right side of the aliens face. The high forehead and pointed chin give the alien's head a distinctive diamond shape about 127 mm high and 90 mm inches wide.

The depth of the cranium is also about 90 mm and provides for a larger volume than would be expect for such a diminutive skull. Photo 2 reveals cranial ridges, but no ear openings. Perhaps completely different organs were used to perceive sound.

This alien skull was the only fossil found at this location. Efforts to find more are ongoing.

Photo 2

Wednesday, 20 August 2008

New Single Cell Organism

Researchers at The University of Montana have released a preliminary study of a heretofore unknown single cell organism which they have designated "SM.eli F33t". Not much is yet understood about the new little creature except its complete lack of a right knee.

Brave New Bug

Friday, 8 August 2008

Super Zuk Contest - Western Montana Fair

A tradition at the Western Montana Fair in Missoula, Montana is the "Super Zuk" zuchhini contest. (We would have spelled it "Zuke" or Zook". Oh, well.) Last year featured Mussolini Zucchini, a formidable zuke, indeed.

This years entries included one decorated to look like Jay Leno, Luke the Zuke - a biker zucchini taking a nap, and a dragon design: